Sometimes you’ve just got to play some Cigar box slide guitar and sip some whiskey…
You know that feeling when you just need to pick up the cigar box slide guitar and sip some whiskey?…Well I do! Here’s my cover of ‘Whiskey Barrel Blues’ by Justin Johnson.
Here’s 4 essential steps I used to learn my latest Texas Blues Slide Guitar song ‘I Am The Black Ace’
Learn the 4 essential steps I took, to learn ‘I Am The Black Ace’, a Texas Blues Slide Guitar cover from 1937.
Introducing my new bottleneck slide guitar video ‘I Am The Black Ace’
Here’s my latest bottleneck slide guitar video ‘I Am The Black Ace’. A cover of a Texas blues slide guitar song by Buck Babe Turner (also known as ‘The Black Ace’).
Announcing the release of my latest Bottleneck Blues Slide Guitar cover ‘The Black Ace’
I’m pleased to announce the release of my latest Bottleneck Blues Slide Guitar cover. It’s called ‘The Black Ace’ and was originally written and performed by Buck (Babe) Turner in 1937. I learnt this number whilst on the road traveling for 6 months with my wife Laura, on our honeymoon. This song certainly was a […]